Thank you, Warhorse Ranch Transport!!!
Idaho Ivy is takin' a bus ride! She is hittin' the road! Warhorse Ranch Transport has been AMAZING! and we cannot thank you enough for helping us with Idaho Ivy.
Here is our story:
WarhorseRT picked up Idaho Ivy in Idaho originally in December, and when she went down on the trailer, they took ever precaution to make sure the mare's health and safety were the priority! If any of you have read our updates, you know the long recovery Ivy has gone through. She has been held in medical recovery from December through April (often as critical) and was only strong enough to travel now. In steps WarhorseRT again! Are you amazed yet? This mare is a high risk, high stress, medically expensive draft horse. WarhorseRT has taken EVERY single care possible with her - ABOVE and BEYOND! We cannot thank you enough for helping us get her closer to her recovery home. THANK YOU!
I sincerely recommend Warhorse Ranch Transport for the safety of your horse! Contact them at: